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I dream of a black snake it's

I dream of a black snake it's belly was white, it bite me on my left shoulder I managed to cut it's Head off When I wake up I was freaky scared in was 3:00 am I they I thought it was real I look under the bed if it's not there and there was nothing after that I had a rain outside.

I was in a room i thought

I was in a room i thought was my health room but it felt more like a military base, i saw my boyfirend, but i ran from him and was in a room with a boy that is in my math class and i kissed him, but i was happy about it

So there was this guy that I

So there was this guy that I used to know, we were friends. He was the best friend of one of my ex boyfriends. Anyway, last night I dreamed that he, name's Adam by the way, turned up on my doorstep asking me to hide him. So i did, I hid him in the storage area underneath our house. Then some scary men turned up and banged on the door. I refused to let them in and when they demanded I hand over Adam I pretended to not know what they were talking about. When they started describing him I was just all like "Oh yeah him, he hasn't really spoken to me since his best mate dumped me". Then when they started getting really scary (thumping fists on the door frame) I called the police. Then when the police responded, pretty quickly, they took the men away in handcuffs. Then I went back to Adam and found him curled up in a ball staring at the wall. He mumbled something about a demon and I turned around and saw it too. Then I straightened and said "I, the Descended One, command you to return to you Hellish dimension". They disappeared and I helped Adam up then out into the proper part of the house. Then he hugged me, really tightly and he said thank you. He was really dusty/dirty so I told him to have a shower. I got him like a towel and stuff as he followed me around, and then as I gave him everything and went to leave he grabbed my hand and asked me not to leave him. So i sat on the closed toilet lid looking at the mirror while he had a shower. When he was done he wrapped the towel around himself and came over to me and teasingly commented that I wasn't looking. I told him I thought he'd been through enough for one night without being watched by me. Then he got dressed and we went upstairs to the lounge room where he explained to mum and me that the men were after him because he'd stepped in and stopped them when they were trying to rape a girl. Mum said that it was time for bed and asked me to help her get some blankets and the spare mattress out for Adam. But I pointed out to her that doing that would wake up my brothers (even though after sleeping through all of that I doubt they would have been woken by something like that). So after my pointing out to mum that I have slept beside male friends and done nothing with them it was decided that Adam would sleep in my room. So we went downstairs and mum went to bed. Adam took the stuff out of his pockets and put it all on my bedside table then hopped into my bed. I got in beside him and he wrapped his arms around me after he turned out the lamp. He whispered "Thank you, I didn't really want to be alone". I replied "I know". And then I snuggled into him and we went to sleep. When I woke up in the dream he was already awake and I was still lying in his arms. He started to thank me for the night before but I put a finger on his lips and said "Don't ruin it". He smiled and just held me. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and mum came in to find me still seemingly asleep snuggled into Adam and him awake with his arm around me. She just asked how he slept and he told her fairly well and that I hadn't stirred during the night. Mum said how that was good then left. When she was gone I shared a smile with him then he leaned in slightly and kissed me! Then he whispered "I've been wanting to do that almost since I first met you". I smiled and then the dream kind of faded out.

I keep having this recurrent dream about

I keep having this recurrent dream about my high school boyfriend and his new wife. In every dream he is trying to cheat on her with me but I always stop him because I wouldn't do that to someone else. In every dream I try to reach out to her because I know how it feels to be cheated on.

I had a dream I tried to

I had a dream I tried to kill dragon but drangon turned into sprite of lady and said me I am here to help you even before this I came one to help you but you killed me but I am imortal and after that I got super power and fought with sword in my hand with enemies

Im being chased by a dark shadow

Im being chased by a dark shadow like creature through a dark alley that is connected with other allys in almost a maze like figure, the whole time im running i am trying to scream for help but when i open my mouth nothing comes out, there is just silence. like i have no voice and even if if did no one would hear me. as i come to the end of the dream i take a turn and it leads me to a dead end, with no where to run and the creature is right about to catch me, i give up and the creature grabs me then i wake up this is a dream that i have at least 2 times a week every week no stop for about 5 years

I was goin to get something i

I was goin to get something i left with my e..i had my god daughter in the truck along with my new guy and my baby (Iwas pregnant when we broke up).My ex walked me out to carry the stuff and asked whose baby that was and we got into it everybody where he is at comes out and said that baby looks just like devin(ex boyfriend) so Devin said he wanted to know why i never told him i told him i did but he never answered back so Steven came home and i told him and he took over bein daddy..Devin said well i want to see my son on weekends and i said thats not all up to me its up to me and his daddy

I dreamed that i was a school

I dreamed that i was a school and school had already ended and i was hanging out with a friend that i have had a crush on for a while. He walked me out and i was waiting for my mom and he was with me. Once i saw my mom i told him good bye and he huged me and walked away when i got in and my mom was driving bye I saw him huging the girl he use to like. I got Jealous and i didn't like it at all. I want her to get away from him.

Me and my bf decided to go

Me and my bf decided to go out we hire a babysitter we end the evening early to go meet babysitter at mall with my kid i see a stranger trying to take my kid i suceed in saving him as we leave mall i notice the kidnappers have new victim i tell my friends and they decide we should confront them i dint want but then they convince me we are in some asian contry and i go meet the kidnapprs with muy family and friends for answers my friends dissapear now im alone with my son , my uncle and my mother on a plane talking to these kidnappers now i know we are screwed and have to find a way out before plane takes off so we distract them they fall asleep we get up walk to the plane door i see they have things to make a bomb so i do just that i get my mom and uncle off plane i turn around and william is not to be seenbi follow the crying sounds but cant see him i am frightened i see smoke i have a active bomb and cant find my son than i wake up